I'm Back....You ready???hehe...Let's Go!!!!
1)NINTENDO 3DS-Nintendo DS in 3D
Who knew Nintendo would create a handheld which creates 3D effects while gaming Without the expensive glasses!!!Not only is it's gaming in 3D,you can even watch movies that feature 3D on the 3DS...for example..Despicable Me and Toy Story 3!!!(FTW)
Well that's all for consoles and accessories...now the GAMES!!!!
Games in E3.
After a 7 years Disappearance.......Tron comes back with it's latest game Tron Evolution!!
Basically..it's a third person action game with a little bit of 'Glow in the Dark 'Racing and RPG together.The combat is based on the Brazilian martial art Capoeira(We get to kick ass and be good at dancing Too!)
Sorry no pictures...but a video would be nice!!:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZLONRreKAI
We also get to see Pac-Man,Rage,Activision's latest game Bulletstorm and The Legend Of Zelda:Skyward Sword!! and also....Metal Gear Solid Rising!!! The Video Link-->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVD9vfOPdfI&feature=related
Well I guess we have come to our end.....Let us all take this moment to thank E3 for giving us this spectacular presentation of games and console!!!And also Congrats to Spain for winning the World Cup!!
Till Next Time,
BB and TC!
(I Finally Figured Out Who's Gonna Read This....YOU!!!!)
By: Vishal Dharan