Gaming and so much more 3

....July long has it been..4 weeks you say!!OMG!!So long..anyways we are back(where did we go???).Sorry for the long wait..kinda busy you see.I mean we ARE only sixteen...honeymoon year My FOOT!.Bustin Our butts just to get even a 40 in our exams T-T...World Cup's gonna end huh? Go Spain!!!hehe....

Q:Who Are You Guys Anyways??
A:Well..if you must know ...We Are All Students.Really trying hard to get Flying Colours.


Q:Since Youre A Gaming Clan..What Kind Of Games Do You Play?? any other gaming clan...its Defense of The Ancients And Counter Strike,but we're not that boring!!Assassins Creed,Need For Speed..You Name IT!...We cant call ourselves Gamers if we only try a few games....

Well I guess that's all for now...Dont Worry We'll be posting...Sooner or Later...OO...and watch out for our Member Intro Video!!!Till Next Time BB!&TC!

(My thoughts right now : Who the f**k will read this?)

By : Vishal Dharan